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29th International Exhibition for Advertising

Reklama 2022 took place within Russian Industry Week.   

The show presented the whole range of technologies and services for the production and ordering of advertising from content and promotion to production equipment and materials for manufacturing all types of advertising media for outdoor and indoor advertising, navigation and souvenir products, all kinds of visual advertising communications, engraving, cutting, marking and embroidery equipment for textile branding.

Reklama’s visitors got acquainted with souvenir and printed products made on paper, metal, foam board and wood, talked to people working in design and advertising, and learnt how projects created on computers can be brought to life.

Dates: 24–27 October 2022

Venue: EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

Organised by EXPOCENTRE AO

Supported by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR)

Under auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Exhibition area: 2,600+ sq m

Attendance: 16,000+ unique visitors (77% of them are professional visitors)

Exhibitors: 140 well-known companies from Russia and China (leaders in printing technology: Zenon, Smart-T, Bigprinter, Papillons, ForDA, RussCom, LRT, Technografika, Rosprinter, etc.; equipment for machining different types of materials: Lasercut, Torden, Vekprom, Stankom, Kami, Challenger; outdoor advertising structures and LED displays: DiMedia, Diamond Led, Led Vostok, Ledcapital, etc.; 36% of the 2022 new exhibitors are Russian manufacturers and suppliers)   

Alexey Vyalkin, Director General of EXPOCENTRE AO

“EXPOCENTRE pays great attention to promoting and demonstrating the latest research and technological developments and innovative technologies, as well as supporting Russian inventors and young researchers and promoting their developments in production. To this end, we are trying to apply new formats. This is, first of all, the creation of startup zones at our trade shows,  which are formed with the support of development institutes such as Skolkovo, and also the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, industry associations and higher educational institutions. In particular, today, together with the Higher School of Economics we are presenting a startup zone for students from this school, who will demonstrate their designs and innovative products.”

The students who visited the show were invited to join several production tours, in order to broaden their understanding of the profession and get to know it directly in the workplace.

Conference programme

The events of the conference programme of Reklama 2022 have generated great professional interest.

The 11th International Forum – the Advertising Matrix Forum 2022, organised by KVK Imperia and EXPOCENTRE AO, opened the programme. The event focused on solutions for advertising market professionals operating in the current environment and the industry’s future. 

More than 70 experts, analysts, marketing professionals, and representatives of customers – marketing and advertising departments of Russian and foreign companies – spoke at the forum, sharing their experience of interaction and searching for the best possible solutions when placing or fulfilling advertising orders.

Over two days, more than 900 delegates visited the forum: heads of advertising, branding, marketing and internet agencies, printing houses, manufacturers of printing materials, internet marketing, advertising departments of Russian and foreign companies, and producers of POS materials.

The forum consisted of four industry conferences to discuss specific solutions for interaction between advertising customers and participants in the Russian advertising market. 

The Conference on Strategic Challenges of the Advertising Market in the Times of Tough Sanctions: Analytical and Unconventional Approaches opened the forum.

The participants of the  strategic session on tectonic shifts in the advertising world: what strategies can sustain the Russian advertising continent included Nicholas Coro (the Brand Management and Brand Technologies Research Centre (RCD&B), Igor Berzin (the Guild of Marketers), Anna Lukanina (the Branding Companies Association of Russia), and Anastasia Sidorina (ROMIR), and other industry professionals.  

The session participants discussed key advertising market situations and trends: the future of advertising production sector as a building block of the advertising market; transformation of the OOH market in a situation of harsh western sanctions; technology for communication with a consumer in the new environment; channels and tools for PR, promo and BTL 2022–2023; and design, visuals and selling content 2023.  

The forum’s second day offered the Conferences on Promotional and Souvenir Products: New Production Technologies in the Context of  Restrictions on Advertising Production Companies, and Digital Marketing. New Technologies for Promoting Products and Services on the Internet. The discussions were devoted to branding of territories: branding of territories 2023: unique sites that bring profit to advertising production companies; more than promo: POS materials for effective sales; import substitution in digital: which tools to use for promotion and how to do it correctly?; and everything new is well forgotten old? The withdrawal of western digital platforms as a chance to breakthrough in domestic social networks.

One of the key events of Reklama 2022 was the Strategic Session on the Russian Advertising 2022: Challenges, Priorities, Laws, which was organised by the Russian Association of Communication Agencies and EXPOCENTRE AO. It was moderated by First Vice-President of RACA Valentin Smolyakov. 

The main topics were the advertising market in today's environment: challenges, trends, forecasts, and priorities for legislative regulation of advertising space. 

Sergey Piskarev, President of the Russian Association of Communication Agencies, Member of the Board of the Marketing Industry Association ‘Advertising Council’

“International brands are leaving, but human needs remain. Domestic manufacturers can occupy the vacated niches by expanding production and launching new products, and for this they need serious communication support, without which strong brands cannot be built. And strong brands mean a strong economy.”

Vladimir Gubernatorov, Deputy Director General of EXPOCENTRE AO  

“The Reklama exhibition, as an element of business communications, is experiencing the same challenges, trends and new issues that the entire communications market is feeling. In addition, we are also dependent on recent changes in advertising legislation. As a result, Reklama 2022 has lost some big exhibitors, but they have been replaced by others. There are 50 new exhibitors at this year's show.” 

Reports were made by President of the Associaiton of Interactive Advertising Development Boris Omelnitsky, President of the Russian Association of Marketing Services (RAMU), СЕО of Progression Group Elena Leonova, Development Director of Alter Ego Promotion OOO Alexey Vyazovtsev, Co-Chair of the RACA Publisher Committee, First Deputy General Director of the Argumenty i Fakty Publishing House Marina Mishunkina, and other leading industry experts.

The participants discussed new approaches to communications, effective promotion strategies for advertisers from different segments of the economy, as well as industry opportunities in the context of large-scale technology import substitution, and other important topics.

The Panel on How Has the Visual Advertising Market Changed Since the Beginning of the Year? was about changing customer relations and business diversification as a way out of the crisis. The speakers presented analysis and management of sales volumes, talked about materials, equipment and technology in the new realities, and how HR issues are addressed in the current economic climate. The event was organised by the Association of Producers of Visual Advertising and Information VisCom and EXPOCENTRE AO.

Advertising clients in the media industry took part in the Forum on New Challenges as New Opportunities! Advanced Technologies in the Advertising Industry. The forum included lectures, presentations and two panels on how modern technology has changed the approach to the production of audio-visual content, application of Virtual Production technology from commercials to live broadcasts, and how new challenges expand daily possibilities for content production, prospects for the technological development of the creative industry in the new reality. The forum was held by representatives of the XOVP studio (eXtraOrdinary Virtual Production) with the support of EXPOCENTRE AO. 

Production director Pavel Timofeev, XOVP art director Konstantin Korolev, and co-founders of XOVP – director Yuri Yarushnikov and producer Andrey Ereshko – shared their experience in applying Virtual Production technologies in their work with clients.

The Conference on Digital Printing and Textile Decoration, held by EXPOCENTRE AO and the Digital Textile magazine, was of great interest to industry professionals. The event discussed the latest trends in digital textile production, current business practices, as well as the current situation on the market. 

Market leaders and representatives of leading companies, who have been involved in textile printing technology for many years, talked about their new projects, modern solutions for textile production as well as current business practices and the current market situation.

Director General of Smart-T Andrey Makachev told what difficulties companies had to face in the context of the crisis and change. Product Manager of Project 111 Irina Kolosova noted that the drop in demand and response had been observed in all market segments: press, television and Internet. The only segment that managed to survive and even strengthen its positions, in her opinion, is merchandise and gifts. Owner and Director of Fancy Armor Elena Larina told how to launch new products amid uncertainty. She is convinced that digital printing on textiles gives a great advantage in launching and testing new products.

The conference participants concluded that entering the digital textile printing market offered advertising and production companies the opportunity to diversify and actively develop their business.

The show also hosted a meeting of Russian manufacturers of souvenir and presentation products – the Nation of Professionals. It was organised by the International Association of Promotional Products – IAPP and EXPOCENTRE AO.

Reklama 2022 was held at a high level and confirmed its status as a respected international platform for a professional dialogue between the authorities and the advertising community.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 30th edition of the International Exhibition for Advertising – Reklama 2023 – within Russian Industry Week at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia, from 23 through 26 October 2023.

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO