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subscribe to news Winners of the Nation of Professionals competition are awarded


A meeting of Russian manufacturers of souvenir and presentation products – the Nation of Professionals was held as part of the Reklama 2022 exhibition. It was organised by the International Association of Promotional Products (IAPP) and EXPOCENTRE AO.

IAPP representatives solemnly awarded winners of the 8th Competition of Russian Manufacturers of Business Souvenir and Gift Products Nation of Professionals 2022. Reklama 2022 was the general sponsor of the competition.

The IAPP Award was awarded in ten categories. This year, 22 companies from six Russian cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Korolev (Moscow region), Peterhof, Saransk, Tula, Afipsky (Krasnodar region) and Yekaterinburg) took part in the competition. About 120 items combined in sets or presented individually made up 40 exhibits. All the items were exhibited at the IAPP stand at the Reklama 2022 exhibition.

Advertising agencies, advertising and production companies, manufacturers and suppliers of business souvenirs, corporate customers of various industries and structures took part in the competition.

Welcoming the award winners, IAPP President Leo Kostylev noted that the competition will celebrate its tenth anniversary next year and each year the quality and range of presented samples grows.

According to the organisers, the main aim of the Award is to promote Russian manufacturing products on the domestic and international markets, thus contributing to the development of industrial entrepreneurship in Russia. 

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO