subscribe to news SportMed 2023 conference opened at EXPOCENTRE


The 18th International Scientific Conference on the Current State and Development Prospects of the Elite Sports Medicine – SportMed 2023 opened as part of Russian Health Care Week.

The conference was organised by the Russian Ministry of Health Care, the Russian Ministry of Sports, the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, the Russian Association for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation of Patients and the Disabled (RASMIRBI), Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, the Federal Research and Clinical Centre of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation FMBA Russia, and EXPOCENTRE AO. The event runs with support and participation of the Olympic Committee of Russia, the Paralympic Committee of Russia, the Federal Research Centre for Physical Culture and Sport, the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS), the European Federation of Sports Medicine Associations (EFSMA), the Federations of Sports Medicine Associations of the CIS Countries, the Baltic States and Georgia.

The conference opened with a plenary session, at which Deputy Minister of Health Care Andrey Plutnitsky read out a greeting from Minister of Health Care Mikhail Murashko.

The conference runs for two days during which will be considered the development of sports medicine in the regions of Russia; restorative measures in sports; burning issues of sports traumatology and orthopaedics; central issues of sports psychology: methodology and practice of work in the current conditions; sports cardiology: problems and achievements; biomechanics of sport, and many other issues.

An extended meeting of the Working Group for the Development of Sports Medicine of the Presidential Council for the Development of Physical Culture and Sport will be held on 8 December. The chair of the meeting is Veronika Skvortsova, Head of the Working Group and Head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. The Working Group will discuss topical issues of sports medicine and rehabilitation development, medical support for international competitions, improvement of regulatory control of sports medicine in Russia, implementation of the President’s instruction to create rehabilitation and recovery centres for athletes of Russian national sports teams.

The conference will also include the 10th Scientific and Practical Conference on Medical Support of Elite Sports (FMBA Russia); the 16th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists on Current Issues of Sports Medicine, Therapeutic Physical Education, Physiotherapy and Balneology; Meeting of the profile commission of the Russian Ministry of Health Care on Sports Medicine; Meeting of Heads of Medical and Physical Education Service of Russia; Meeting of Heads of Departments of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine of Medical and Physical Education Institutions, Approval of Clinical Recommendations on Sports Medicine Exhibition of the latest world and domestic developments of medical equipment, pharmacological and nutraceutical industry; Section of sports kinesiotaping; and Section of sports massage. 

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO