subscribe to news The Russian-Azerbaijani Field Day 2023 exhibition closed in Azerbaijan


From 25 to 26 August, the Russian-Azerbaijani Field Day 2023 specialised exhibition was held on the territory of the Agstafa Agro-Industrial Complex in the Agstafa district of the Republic of Azerbaijan as part of the Agrarian Innovation Festival. The exhibition was organised by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade. The display of Russian manufacturers was carried out with the support of the Rosspetsmash Association. EXPOCENTRE AO was the operator of the event.

14 domestic enterprises participated in the exhibition including Rostselmash, St.-Petersburg Tractor Plant (Kirovets), Pegas-Agro, Melinvest, Tekhnostal, Almaz, Agromehanika, AgroPostavka, Agrostroy Group (Agromash), and others. New developments and popular models of Russian-made agricultural machinery were shown on the area of more than 800 square metres.

EXPOCENTRE organises the Russian-Azerbaijani Field Day exhibition for the second year running. This year it was held as part of the Agrarian Innovation Festival organised by the Agrarian Innovation Centre at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The festival takes place regularly in different regions of Azerbaijan and this year more than 60 Azerbaijani companies took part in it.

The exhibition was accompanied by a number of business-related events, which included a round table, demos of Russian agricultural machinery, a working trip to the Ganja Auto Plant, as well as b2b meetings with Azerbaijani business circles, agro-industrial companies and farms.

On 25 August, a round table on Russia and Azerbaijan: Development of Cooperation in Agricultural and Food Engineering was held with the participation of representatives of Russian state authorities and machine-building enterprises, as well as Azerbaijani state authorities and regional administrations, industry associations and credit institutions.

On 25 and 26 August, demos of the TUMAN-2M self-propelled sprayer-spreader produced by Samara-based Pegas-Agro took place in the field. Azerbaijani representatives were able to evaluate the machine in operation.

The Russian delegation also visited the Ganja Auto Plant, an Azerbaijani manufacturer of buses and lorries. The plant provides service and storage facilities for spare parts from manufacturers such as KAMAZ, MAZ and others. One of the main issues discussed was the possibility of providing the plant’s premises for dealers supplying Russian agricultural machinery.

The round table was addressed by Ruslan Mirsayapov, trade representative of Russia in Azerbaijan, Sergey Zhabin, head of the Department of Sectoral Planning and Coordination of Scientific and Technical Development of the Department of Agricultural, Food, Construction and Road Engineering at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Alla Elizarova, Director at the Rosspetsmash Association, and a number of exhibitors from the Russian side. On the Azerbaijani side, the round table was addressed by Anar Jafarov, Director of the Agrarian Innovation Centre at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Madina Aliyeva, Chair at the Azerbaijan Seed Growers Association, Orkhan Sultanzade, Head of the Agricultural Equipment and Technologies Sales Sector at Agroservis, Javid Adygyozalov, representative of the Regional Centre of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of Azerbaijan, Anar Orujov, Executive Director at Agstafa Agro-Industrial Complex, representatives of Yelo Bank, Access Bank and dealers of agricultural machinery on the territory of Azerbaijan.

The round table revealed a number of burning issues. In particular, Madina Aliyeva expressed the interest of the Azerbaijan Seed Growers Association in purchasing Russian machinery and her intention to provide the Russian side with a list of necessary machinery and equipment. Orkhan Sultanzade described the problem of lack of spare parts and service maintenance of agricultural equipment and indicated readiness of Agroservis OAO to consider proposals of Russian enterprises. Zaur Ismailov, a loan officer at Yelo Bank, spoke about the possibility of providing loans for the purchase of Russian equipment.

According to the Russian and Azerbaijani participants, the exhibition and accompanying events were extremely productive. The exhibitors held a series of important negotiations and made partners for long-term contracts.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO