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subscribe to news Digital transformation discussed at Metalloobrabotka 2022


The Conference on the Digital Transformation of the Metalworking Industry took place within the Metalloobrabotka 2022 conference programme in the Industry 4.0 innovative thematic pavilion and undoubtedly attracted attention of professionals.

During the conference, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and the National Union of Suppliers of Equipment and Tools for Metalworking, the notable experts presented digital solutions in metalworking production, shared implementation knowledge and experience.

In his opening remarks, Pavel Belikov, Chairman of NSPOIM, reminded that the digital industry can benefit from chaos, which everyone present is able to prove by personal example.

Rustam Alyautdinov, General Director of DM Technologies, moderator of the event, stressed: "The main objective of the conference is to talk about how we will help each other in the new situation and develop the metalworking industry”.

Vitaly Tuyev, Director of MDC products at Zyfra Group, spoke about how to manage production against the background of departure of foreign solutions, and shared his own experience.

Ilya Tonkikh, Director General of Industrial Academy OOO, touched upon the topic "How to quickly increase the efficiency of your specialists by optimising their training costs". According to him, any technology, any machine, any service is provided by people who must be professionals. And how professional that person is with the tool of his or her trade determines how efficiently that equipment will work.

Natalya Zolotareva, Acting Rector of the Institute for Development of Professional Education of the Russian Federation (IRPO), focused on the issue of providing the necessary technical staff for enterprises and organisations. An important point was the signing of a cooperation agreement between IRPO and the Industrial Academy.

Gleb Miklashevsky, engineer, head practitioner, expert in production preparation and full metal fabrication device, spoke about the digitalisation of real production. "Digitalisation gives companies an understanding of how to accurately and quickly forecast the production costs of their products and have a hundred per cent understanding of real productivity," the speaker said. In his presentation, he drew attention to what a company needs to do to improve its profitability.

Other informative speeches on the new conditions for digitalisation of production, predictive analytics for machine tools, IT solutions for tools and tooling at Russian companies, business support in the new realities, alternative development paths, digital aggregator of metalworking services and other relevant topics were of great interest to the professional audience as well.

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO