subscribe to news Technoforum 2024 presents advanced technologies


The International Exhibition for Equipment and Technology for Structural Materials Processing – Technoforum 2024 – has opened at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds. The exhibition is part of the NTI Expo project, organised by EXPOCENTRE under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The event is also part of Russian Industry Week, which is a large-scale event that brings together important components of the Russian economy: machine building and metalworking, welding production and welding equipment market, additive technologies, and equipment for advertising production.

Technoforum 2024 showcases the latest equipment for various sectors of mechanical engineering, machine-tool construction and development of structural materials. This year about 200 companies from Russia, Belarus and China are represented. The show floor covers an area of over 7,000 square metres.

The exhibition is accompanied by a rich conference progr

amme. This year it includes 14 important events. They will be attended by representatives of various branches of industry, authorities, and relevant associations.

Today, the Strategic Session on Training of Engineering Personnel Amidst  New Challenges was organised by the Russian State Duma Committee for Science and Higher Education and EXPOCENTRE under the auspices of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The event was moderated by Vladimir Kononov, Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education and Chair at the Central Council of VOIR – the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers.

“Today the leaders of our country consider the development of engineering education as a priority task. This is evident from the measures that are being taken. Some serious positive shifts are already underway. Training in engineering and technical sciences is becoming more and more popular every year. Universities are increasing the number of state-funded places in these subjects, providing a variety of opportunities for training and further development. One of the most important trends in technical education has become the opening of advanced engineering schools. It is here that students gain practical skills in various fields during their studies. Currently, 50 universities and more than 250 partner companies are involved in this area. The President has set a task to increase this number to 100 advanced engineering schools. This task is now being fulfilled,” said Vladimir Kononov at the opening of the event.

Maxim Fateev, Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO, also spoke at the strategic session. According to him, it is extremely important for the development of Russian technologies to attract talented young specialists to the scientific world and our research environment.

“EXPOCENTRE, for its part, is taking steps in this direction. Interaction with leading industry universities to support student projects and demonstrate them at our own major exhibitions is one of our priorities. At the same time, young promising students and postgraduates participate both in our shows and in the events of conference programmes”, said Maxim Fateev.

“Today our exhibition platform brought together developers and consumers of industrial equipment from different countries and regions of Russia. Among them there are also young promising specialists who are able to assert themselves and show their achievements to a wide, but at the same time maximum targeted audience. Successful development of technologies and research is impossible without the active involvement of young professionals. They are the future of our country. Our common goal is to do everything possible to ensure that talented young people not only come to research and technology, but also stay in our country, in our city, in our industry, contributing to its development,” continued Mr. Fateev.

The session was attended by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, leading universities and state corporations. They discussed the situation on the labour market, issues of training specialists to meet the demands of different enterprises, the latest technologies in training, and legislative support for the educational processes.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO