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subscribe to news 13th Russian Assembly of Professionals in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries has taken place


The 13th Russian Assembly of Professionals in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries has been held online and offline within the conference programme of Russian Health Care Week 2021.

The assembly was organised by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, the Rosmedprom Association, the OPORA RUSSIA Non-Government Association, Business Russia – the Russian Public Organisation, the Russian Public Organisation of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and supported by the Russian Ministry of Health Care, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor), the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Board of the Russian Defense Industry Commission, and EXPOCENTRE AO.

The assembly summarised the activities of professional public associations, organisations and enterprises of the pharmaceutical and medical industry to improve the competitiveness of the domestic production of medicines and medical devices.  

Yury Kalinin, President of the Union of Associations and Enterprises of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries, acted as moderator. "The main objective of our assembly is to discuss the concepts and main directions of the Strategy for the Development of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry until 2035", - he said.

The meeting was attended by Mikhail Murashko, Russian Minister of Health Care, Oleg Bochkarev, Deputy Chairman of the Military Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian Ministry of Health Care, Ministry of Industry and Trade and allied industry organisations working to provide health care with modern, high-quality, safe medicines and medical equipment.

Mikhail Murashko thanked all those who have been actively involved in overcoming the crisis in the last year and a half to saturate the market with medicines and medical devices for the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus infection. Last year, more than 1,700 medical devices were registered, an increase of 20% over 2019. The Government of the Russian Federation has supported the strategic initiative of medical science to implement a number of projects that relate to the support of innovative developments, laboratory samples, the minister said.

He also spoke about the tasks of the Ministry of Health Care in addressing the global challenges for our country in combating the spread of coronavirus infection.   

Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, and Viktor Dmitriev, Director General of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, took part in the congress via video link.  

The strategy for the development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry was addressed in presentations by Leila Namazova-Baranova, Head of the Research Institute of Paediatrics and Child Health Protection, and Dmitry Galkin, Director of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Development of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The speeches were continued by Dmitry Pavlyukov, Deputy Head of Roszdravnadzor, Viktor Cherepov, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Vladimir Starodubov, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences of RAS, heads of relevant unions and associations, representatives of ministries, research centres, companies-manufacturers of medical devices and experts.

Participants summarized the experience of the industry in responding to the spread of the coronavirus infection and made adjustments to coordinate industry and public health efforts to meet the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO