subscribe to news The International Forum on the Multipolar World of Children's Goods and Services took place at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds


Yesterday, EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds hosted the International Forum on the Multipolar World of Children's Goods and Services. Guarding Traditional Values. The event was held as part of the United Russia's federal project ‘The Strong Family’ within the Year of Family in Russia and as part of the conference programme of the Mir Detstva 2024 and CJF – Child and Junior Fashion 2024. Autumn exhibitions.

The forum was moderated by Tatiana Butskaya, First Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Family Protection, Issues of Fatherhood, Motherhood and Childhood, and Maria Butina, a member of the Russian State Duma Committee for Foreign Affairs. Other participants included Maxim Fateev, Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO, Vera Khmyrova, Director at the Department of Light Industry and Forestry Complex of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Alexander Shpakovsky, Envoy of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus, Snezhana Pavlovich, Senior Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, Lolita Saydulaeva, Deputy Head at the Russian Quality System, Deputy Head at the Project Activities Directorate, the Moscow Mayor’s project Made in Moscow, and Elfia Dorofeeva, President at the Association of Development of Quality Preschool Education.

Maxim Fateev noted that the Forum took place for the first time at EXPOCENTRE. It is a landmark event for the entire children's industry. 

“The Forum is taking place at a difficult time. Today, the emphasis on family values is more relevant than ever. One of the central issues of today's Forum is the creation of the image of a national hero in a toy. This is not just a symbolic step. It is an element of patriotic education and the formation of children's understanding of the cultural and moral values of our country. It is also not just a matter of cultural identity. It is a strategic tool that will help educate a generation by the example of goodness, justice, moral guidelines that are laid down through play activities,” said Maxim Fateev.

“I am convinced that the synergy of the Forum with our international exhibitions Mir Detstva and CJF – Child and Junior Fashion is very relevant at the moment and allows to unite the professional community, leaders of all relevant domestic and foreign associations for the prompt achievement of the set goals,” continued Maxim Fateev.

According to Maxim Fateev, the Forum brings together manufacturers, buyers, educators, and government representatives, i.e., everyone who is engaged in the preschool education and upbringing in Russia.

“I would like to thank you, dear colleagues, for your active participation in our exhibitions and, of course, wish you every success in implementation of your plans, outlined, among other things, at today's Forum. I am convinced that the future of our children is in safe hands,” emphasized Mr. Fateev.

“The main interest of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in this area is the creation of children's toy production facilities in the Russian Federation, as there are very few such facilities at the moment. According to unofficial statistics, the market of children's toys is five times larger than the official one. Of course, counterfeit products are a big problem. It is extremely important for us to control the market of children's goods. Today we are talking about promoting traditional values. Historically, what is important for Russia, for the Russian world, is what our native Russian toys mean. They are kind, tactile. They are properly perceived. These are the kind of toys we need to create on the territory of the Russian Federation,” said Vera Khmyrova.

The Forum was held under the auspices of relevant committees of the Russian State Duma and brought together representatives of the international community, interested federal and regional authorities, leaders of all leading associations of the children's goods and clothing industry, major manufacturers participating in Mir Detstva 2024 and CJF – Child and Junior Fashion 2024. Autumn, heads of parent associations, and relevant media in order to develop a joint position on the support of traditional values and discuss the creation of the image of ‘a national hero’ and the basis for patriotic education.

The event included the Plenary Session on Guarding Family Values. Challenges for the Children's Industry and Upbringing, the Discussion of the Multipolar World. Vectors of Development of the Children's Goods and Clothing Industry: Confronting the Challenges Together, and the award ceremony for the winners in the Parents’ Choice awards.  

“We have awarded the winning companies not because they manufactured more goods, took up more space, invested more money in advertising, but because they are loved by children and chosen by their parents,” said Tatiana Butskaya.

At the end of the Forum, the participants prepared a resolution with proposals for the federal executive authorities and the Russian State Duma.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO