subscribe to news What Khimia 2023 exhibitors and visitors say

Sergey Merzlyakov, Director General, Orgsyntez Group

Khimia is the most relevant exhibition. It possibly is the only really important event for us during the whole year. We present our group here, including Khimprom and Volzhskaya Peroxide, and other commercial divisions.

We traditionally meet our regular clients, partners, friends, and network with the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade at the exhibition. The programme for the business part of the forum is very intense. In the morning, colleagues, partners and new visitors come to the stand, and we have non-stop talks.  

Ekaterina Maksimova, Head of Marketing, Ruskhimset AO:

– For us, Khimia is a platform where we look for suppliers from different parts of the world and where we meet our customers. Since the geography of our offices is quite wide, we gather our entire pool of clients here. For us, it is a meeting point.

We work in twelve fields of chemical raw materials. These include cosmetics. This year, we have started a pharmaceuticals area.

When we have a new product, we can spread awareness about it quite quickly at the exhibition, we can tell people about it.

It is also convenient to meet our suppliers from India, China and other countries.

Jan Rebane, R&D Director, Sintez OKA Group:

– Khimia is a convenient platform to communicate with customers, both new and old.

There are a lot of activities at the stand. We are reaching agreements. We also took part in an event organised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. It was a plenary session on the interaction between business and the state. We find this event very useful as it is a kind of a chemical club whose meetings should not be missed.

Sintez OKA is the only manufacturer of alkyl ethanolamines in Russia. Amine products are quite specialised. The customers who come to us at the exhibition are mainly those who buy polycarboxylate esters. These are concrete additives. The market is developing very quickly. There are a lot of new customers, and this is one of the reasons why we decided to participate in this exhibition with a stand.

Elena Kosova, Head of Information Administration, Kuibyshevazot PAO:

– We have been regular participants in Khimia since 2001, because it is the main industry exhibition. All key players come here. It is possible to tackle many issues simultaneously and under one roof, network with partners, look at competitors and see what is new in the industry.

Kuibyshevazot is implementing active investment projects. It is extremely important for us to know what is going on. The exhibition is a good platform for this. For example, there are many equipment manufacturers here. Our technical specialists can meet with them and discuss issues directly on site.

The exhibition has become noticeably larger than in previous years. The conference programme is very rich. We are also a regular participant, sponsor and partner of the Chemical Forum.

Boris Levin, Deputy Chief of Staff of CEO, PhosAgro PAO:

– We take part in Khimia every year, without interruption.

Contacts made at the exhibition help us to coordinate our activities in cooperation with Russian suppliers and colleagues from friendly countries.

Khimia gives us an opportunity to show the company's achievements over the past year, and share our developments and new products. We are always increasing our product range, and this year we are presenting new products.

The exhibition is an opportunity to communicate directly with numerous partners, Russian companies, which are suppliers of raw materials and high-tech products required in our production, and an opportunity to participate in the conference programme.

Pavel Moskalenko, Director General, Spetstransgarant OOO:

– Khimia is the main industry event in our segment. The leading players of this segment come here. Spetstransgarant provides liquid and bulk chemical transportation services.

The exhibition is an effective tool for us to meet our existing partners. These meetings at the event have become traditional.

Sergey Kozlovskiy, Deputy Head of the Department of Production Infrastructure, SG-Trans AO:

– First of all, Khimia is an opportunity to meet existing partners and conclude agreements with new contractors.

SG-trans carries out all types of repairs for tank containers through its own branch network. Many Russian partners choose us as a reliable contractor in terms of maintenance of their container fleet.

Natalia Evseeva, Deputy Director for Development, NPP Macromer OOO:

– Khimia gives us new ideas, meetings with current partners, an opportunity to set new tasks, development, contacts, and maintenance of business relations.

Observing the exhibitors, we can say that there is a tangible movement in the industry. The exhibition has become larger in scale. We see not only trading but also manufacturing companies, those which create products. This gives a new impetus to the industry.

Aleksey Kirilov, Head of Sales Department, Megahimgroup OOO:

– Khimia is our opportunity to show ourselves off and to demonstrate products we want to bring to the Russian market. This applies both to additives, which we present here, and paint and coating materials.

Evgeniy Ismakaev, Sales Director, Megahimgroup OOO:

– The exhibition provides us with new opportunities, new customers and interesting contacts. We can benefit from the experience of other companies. There is great interest from new companies, end users, and factories making various products.

Sergey Krivoshein, Project Head, ZAVKOM-ENGINEERING OOO:

– I always get very warm memories from Khimia. It is a large show with lots of people, clients, and a tight and good schedule of negotiations. Interesting ideas are born during the exhibition, and new contracts are signed.

I wish all of you every success!

Konstantin Vereshchagin, Representative of Biomicrogel:

– The impression from the exhibition is extremely positive. There are a lot of targeted customer enquiries and networking. On the whole, it is a relevant experience for us.

The exhibition is large-scale and interesting. We realise that we are in the circle of worthy partners. For the company, this is certainly an additional opportunity for growth, development, showcasing its products and getting target customers.

The exhibition has a key impact on the industry because it is one of the central events where everyone involved can network, meet and exchange contacts, and feel the pulse of the chemical industry.