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subscribe to news Obuv. Mir Kozhi 2019. Spring presents new collections of famous brands


The Obuv. Mir Kozhi-2019. Spring international exhibition of shoes and leather products kicked off at Expocentre. The trade show organised by Expocentre AO and BolognaFierе (Italy) and supported by the Italian Footwear Manufacturers' Association (Assocalzaturifici) and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development has the reputation of a major event in the Russian shoe market.

This time, more than 200 companies from 13 countries present new collections of trendy shoes and leather goods for autumn-winter 2019/2020 on 4,000+ sq m of exhibition area in Pavilion No.7.

Italy's national pavilion demonstrates the latest shoe fashion trends of world renowned brands such as Dino Bigioni, Marino Fabiani, Baldinini, Fabi, Giovanni Fabiani, Loriblu, Accademia, Gironacci, Marino Orlandi, and many others.

A specialised leather goods and accessories showroom in Hall 1 of Pavilion No.7 familiarizes visitors with products of well-known companies such as Cromia, Valentino Orlandi, Ripani, Arcadia, and others. Hall 6 in the same pavilion presents works of young designers who participated in the Shoes Design 2019. Spring Festival organised by Expocentre AO and Kosygin Russian State University. The pavilion is also a venue of the Leather Goods and Accessories Trends presentation.

Being a part of the trade show, the Expocentre for Counterfeit-Free Exhibitions project aimed at reducing counterfeit products showcased at exhibitions is operating online ( 

The events in the highly topical associated program are devoted to the latest trends in footwear and accessories, tools for product promotion in social media, visual merchandising, new footwear marking requirements, and other relevant aspects of business efficiency improvement. Workshops are held by experts and stylists of SmartLines, PracticalFashionSolution, VM Guru, Yellow Banana, and Trendsquare Bureau.

Obuv. Mir Kozhi 2019. Spring will be opened for visitors from 10.00 to 18.00 on March, 19–21 and from 10.00 to 16.00 on March, 22.

The exhibition official website:

Press Service, Expocentre AO