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subscribe to news Mebel 2022 defines the best quality goods


On the final day of the Mebel 2022 International Exhibition, the winners of the 17th International Product Quality Competition were awarded in the categories "For High Consumer Goods" and "For Successful Promotion of Quality Goods". The competition is organised by Soyuzexpertiza ANO of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and EXPOCENTRE AO. 

The aim of the competition is to help improve the competitiveness of furniture products and their components in the Russian and foreign markets, and to promote high quality goods from other countries to the Russian consumer market. Exhibitors took part in the competition. 

In the nomination "For High Consumer Properties of Goods" an expert assessment of the main consumer properties of goods in relation to the price level declared by the manufacturer is carried out. The winners in this nomination are awarded diplomas "For High Consumer Properties of Goods" (Grade I, II, and III) with gold, silver, and bronze medals ‘For Quality’.

The nomination "For Successful Promotion of Quality Goods" identifies actively developing enterprises that have achieved the best economic performance and successfully promoted their goods and innovative projects on the Russian and foreign markets. The winners are awarded diplomas "For Successful Promotion of Quality Goods" (I, II, III degree) with the award of the competition sign, entitling them to put it on their products and use it for advertising and information purposes. 

This year's winners were awarded 10 first-degree diplomas and 10 gold medals in the category "For High Consumer Goods" and one diploma in the category "For Successful Promotion of Quality Goods" at the Mebel 2022 exhibition. 

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO