subscribe to news Photonics 2022 will feature 24 conferences and panels

The conference programme of Photonics. World of Lasers and Optics 2022, held at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds on 29 March – 1 April, will feature more than 120 reports at 24 conferences, meetings and panels.

Industry professionals will discuss the current state of the Photonics Russian Technology Platform and its challenges, and attract the maximum number of users of photonics from other industries to the exhibition. 

The conference programme will include the meeting of the Expert Council on Photonics under the Russian State Duma Commission devoted to the need to organise the statistical records of production of import and export photonics products in Russia, and the joint meeting of the Council of the Laser Association, the Secretariat of the Russian Technology Platform on Innovative Laser, Optical and Optoelectronic Technologies – Photonics, and the Board of Founders of the Eurasian Photonics Technology Platform devoted to the effective use of available tools to support innovative projects and organisations by the Laser Association members. 

The plenary meeting of the 10th Congress of the Photonics Russian Technology Platform will be devoted to the 100th anniversary of birth of N.G. Basov. There will be a meeting of the Rosstandart Technical Committee ‘Optics and Photonics’ (TC296).

The conference programme will also feature conferences on such topics as laser production technologies, semiconductor photonics and nanophotonics, optical materials and components of photonics, photonics in agriculture and environmental management, radiophotonics, and other.

Moreover, the conference participants will have every opportunity to see the latest equipment in action and receive detailed advice thanks to a great variety of products exhibited at Photonics by more than 100 companies, including leading manufacturers of lasers and optics.

You can find the full programme

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO