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subscribe to news Purchasing Centre at Elektro 2022


Today, events of the conference programme at the Electro 2022 international exhibition held at Expocentre Fairgrounds were united into the Customer Day. The main event of the day was the Purchasing Centre, where customers held direct negotiations with manufacturers and suppliers of electrical products.

The customers were such major companies as: PJSC Gazprom, PJSC Inter RAO, PJSC Rosseti, PJSC Gazprom Neft, LLC Siberian Generating Company, JSC Russian Railways, PJSC T Plus, JSC Grid Company and others.

In addition to negotiations, presentations on procurement plans for the range of products displayed at the exhibition and advice on the preparation of bids and proposals submitted by participants in procurement procedures were held.

Today, the Conference on Advanced Energy Solutions for Industrial Enterprises also took place. The industry experts discussed systems of continuous electrical supply and related practical issues. The opinions were given on how monitoring helps to improve power supply reliability, how quality parameters of electricity influence efficiency of continuous technological processes, who to compensate for damages caused by voltage surges. Particular attention was paid to commercial and technical energy metering and process alarm systems in industrial enterprises.

The best customers of electrical equipment presented by the exhibitors became laureates of the Purchasing Leader. Elektro award. Winners receive honorary awards.

The ElectroMarathon, a speed-dating meeting between customers and suppliers, and the Effective Purchases workshop, which assessed the procurement activities of the companies' customers, attracted the attention of a wide range of professionals.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO