subscribe to news Forum of Health Care Providers of Moscow opened at Russian Health Care Week 2019


Moscow Clinics: Sustainability Practices is the main topic of the Forum of Health Care Providers of Moscow that has opened today within Russian Health Care Week at Expocentre Fairgrounds. The Forum is organised by the Moscow Health Care Department and the Research Institute for Health Care Organisation and Medical Management of the Moscow Health Care Department. It is supported by Expocentre AO.

During two days leading health care experts of Moscow and Russia discussed all aspects of organisation of Moscow health care system including HR strategic decisions and proposals for effective management and financial planning of health care facilities. The main development areas of the capital’s health care, the issues of patient-centeredness in medicine, opportunities for the use of new technologies, digital solutions, and many other relevant topics are on the Forum’s agenda.

It is to patient-orientation the first speech was devoted at the Forum’s plenary meeting. In the understanding of Chief Doctor of Municipal Clinical Hospital No.15 named after O.M. Filatov Dr. Valeriy Vechorko, patient-orientation is an effective communication technology with a patient. “Our main rule,” he said, “is to exclude ‘flow’ attitude to the patient. Full attention to the sick. Patient’s comfortable presence in the hospital and his/her conflict-free communication with the personnel in the treatment process takes an important position.”

In the organisers’ opinion, the Forum’s priority is to summarise knowledge, experience and wishes of the participants aimed at improvement of the health care system of Moscow.

Press Service, Expocentre AO