subscribe to news Winners of the Moscow Quality competition awarded at Prodexpo 2024


As part of the 31st International Exhibition for Food, Beverages and Food Raw Materials – Prodexpo 2024, a ceremony was held to present certificates to the winners and laureates of the first stage of the Moscow Quality city-wide competition of goods and services produced in Russia and sold in Moscow. The purpose of this competition is to identify the product that best meets the needs and demands of Moscow residents. The first stage of the competition took place in September-December 2023 and was dedicated to products from the Milk and Dairy Products category.

The event was organised by the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with the support of the Vechernyaya Moskva media holding and the Technologiya Chistoty group (

The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, emphasised Vladimir Platonov, MCCI President, in his opening speech, was looking for new methods to identify the best producers and evaluate them objectively. Moscow Quality perfectly copes with this task. The main task of the contest is to help fair entrepreneurs to produce quality products and inform Muscovites about them.

Marina Petrova, Deputy Chair at the Committee for the Development of Entrepreneurship in the Agro-industrial Sector of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, leading analyst of the dairy market, also commented on the effectiveness of this competition and pointed out that milk and dairy products are a socially important product for Russia.

The nominated products are selected in several stages, including a sociological survey of Muscovites and professional product expertise. Oksana Kuznetsova, Director at the Gorbatov Centre for Food Systems Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, made an interesting observation: according to the expertise, the products chosen by Muscovites during the survey met quality standards. It is the buyers, she notes, who should be the main source of information for standardisation committees and such competitions as Moscow Quality provide an opportunity to get the necessary feedback.

The winners in 30 categories of milk and dairy products were awarded, including two special categories for small and medium-sized producers: participants in the Made in Moscow programme. Vladimir Platonov, President at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Marina Petrova, Chair at the Expert Council, presented the companies with certificates for the right to use the Winner of the Moscow Quality 2024 brand.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO