subscribe to news Italian minister and ambassador visited Prodexpo 2019

Italian Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Gian Marco Centinaio and Ambassador of Italy to the Russian Federation Pasquale Terracciano visited the Italian Pavilion at Prodexpo 2019, the largest food trade show of Russia and Eastern Europe running now at Expocentre Fairgrounds.

When talking to journalists, they highlighted the importance of Prodexpo to Italian companies. "I am positive that all 47 Italian exhibitors are happy to be here," said Pasquale Terracciano.

Italian ambassador and minister congratulated Expocentre on this year’s 60th anniversary of the company. "I would like to congratulate Expocentre on its anniversary. I know that it is one of Europe's main fairgrounds.  I wish everyone to keep having strong results at this venue and hope that more and more Italian companies exhibit here. It will be a very important step for Italian companies on their way to the Russian market," said Gian Marco Centinaio

Press Service, Expocentre AO