subscribe to news Metalloobrabotka 2024: support for the machine tool industry on the agenda


EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds hosted the opening of the Metalloobrabotka 2024 international exhibition and the International Trade and Industry Congress on Investments. Development. Cooperation, which is held as part of the exhibition’s conference programme. The Congress is organised by the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and EXPOCENTRE AO with the support of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Centre of Basic Industries Development.

The Congress started its work with the plenary meeting on the Future of Machine Tool Industry. Trends and Perspectives. It was chaired by Sergey Katyrin, President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In his opening speech he noted that machine tool building is the basis of the state’s technological independence and it is symbolic that the Congress is held within Metalloobrabotka, one of the largest trade shows at EXPOCENTRE, which this year gathered 1,500 companies demonstrating their products, as well as representatives of the executive and legislative authorities, science and education.

Mikhail Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, welcomed the exhibitors and visitors to the Metalloobrabotka exhibition on behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia. He noted that the machine tool industry has more than doubled its production over the last two years and now produces over 100 billion RUB of products per year. This was facilitated by unprecedented measures of state support of the industry, which were described in detail by the speaker. These measures, according to the Deputy Minister, will continue to be implemented, covering more and more enterprises, including small and medium-sized businesses.

The speeches of Konstantin Dolgov, Deputy Chair at the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy and Alexander Spiridonov, Deputy Chair at the State Duma Committee on Industrial Policy and Trade were devoted to the issues of legal support of the Russian machine tool industry.

Moscow remains one of the leading regions in the machine tool and metalworking industry. Darya Stepanova, Deputy Head at the Moscow Department for Investment and Industrial Policy, spoke about the active work of the capital’s management in the federal project for the development of the machine tool industry. Moscow implements its own regional support measures that encourage industrial production and give positive results, which is confirmed by the growth of the machine tool industry by all indicators, especially by revenue, investments and export development.

The greeting from Sergey Chemezov, CEO at Rostec Corporation, was read to the participants at the plenary meeting by Semyon Yakubov, Managing Director at the corporation. In particular, the text says, “For many years, Metalloobrabotka has been uniting representatives of the industry, showcasing advanced developments of Russian and foreign manufacturers of machine tool products, and being a relevant platform for concluding major contracts. Today, Russia is at a difficult stage of development, the state tasks set before us by the President of Russia are related, among other things, to achieving technological sovereignty and ensuring national security. New breakthrough ideas and developments are important for our country, which will ensure its independence and further progress. All this requires consolidation from the industry participants, building effective industrial cooperation, as well as continuous improvement of production processes. As part of the solution of industry tasks, such specialised discussion platforms as the Metalloobrabotka exhibition are of particular importance. Here we discuss current challenges and ways to solve them, as well as opportunities for further growth and qualitative development of the Russian machine tool industry”.

The representative of another state corporation, Roscosmos, Alexander Fedorov, Deputy Director General for Development, shared with those present at the plenary meeting the vision of further development of Russian machine tool engineering to ensure successful capacity building for high-tech industries, such as space rocket building.

Yury Koval, Director General at UZTS, also spoke at the meeting, sharing with those present the practical experience of developing and manufacturing new equipment, as well as the problems that still exist in terms of ensuring favourable working conditions for its manufacturers.

The working day of the International Trade and Industry Congress on Investments. Development. Cooperation was continued by other events dedicated to industrial cooperation, investments in technological development, and competitiveness of the Russian machine tool industry.

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO