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subscribe to news ROSTEST experts held a discussion at Mebel 2022

Today, ROSTEST AO and EXPOCENTRE AO organised a panel discussion ‘Risks and opportunities of the furniture business in the current environment. Anti-crisis solutions to reduce the cost of declaration (certification), effective tools for sourcing products, materials and components’ within the Mebel 2022 International Exhibition. The event attracted the attention of those involved in the certification and declaration of furniture products and components.

The discussion was addressed by Yulia Vasiltsun, Head of Internal Compliance of ROSTEST AO, Oleg Khitrov, Deputy Head of the Management Systems and Inspection Department, member of the ROSTEST Expert Council, and Yulia Aleksandrova, Deputy Head at the ROSTEST-Moscow Certification Body, Chair of the ROSTEST Expert Council.

Yulia Vasiltsun spoke about the risks faced by any business and the opportunities that Russian manufacturers should consider when planning activities. The risks for domestic furniture production in the current environment, according to her, include disruption of supply chains, oversight, identification of mandatory requirements, unfair competition in the market, as well as financial problems.

"Some states have imposed certain prohibitions, and businesses, including foreign ones, refuse to work with customers of the Russian Federation. But many have found a way out of this situation. We have solutions that help importers work through other EAEU countries," said Yulia Vasiltsun. Unique projects and solutions from ROSTEST include one-click product identification, online communication with a testing laboratory or certification body, one-click sourcing of materials and components, and one-button certification.

Technical regulations refer to a huge list of standards. In order to choose which points of this standard the products comply with, it is necessary to identify products according to various indicators and characteristics, said Yulia Aleksandrova. She gave examples of products that are difficult to identify without special knowledge. Furniture, she said, has several functions. It is not only seating furniture, cabinet furniture, but also dual-use furniture, triple-use furniture, etc. If a product has four uses, it is important to assess the safety of the four uses and in doing so identify the key one.

Oleg Khitrov spoke about the register of approved suppliers, what information it contains and how it can help colleagues. "The register of approved suppliers is an international register where suppliers of materials, components, products, raw materials are included. This register was founded and operates under the auspices of Rosstandart. Its value lies in the fact that all the suppliers included in it have undergone production conformity assessment and have been audited in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations. You can find a supplier in the register who complies with this regulation, as well as a suitable supplier of components, fittings, etc.," said the expert.

The speakers of the panel discussion answered questions from the audience, suggested the best way forward with product declaration and certification, shared some good practices and gave practical advice.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO