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EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds hosts the Russian Forum and Exhibition on the Preschool Childhood Ecosystem. The forum is organised by the International Academy of Preschool Education (IAPE), the Association of Development of Quality Preschool Education (ADEQPE) and EXPOCENTRE AO with the support of the Russian Federation Council, the Russian State Duma, the Civic Chamber of Russia, the Education and Science Employees’ Union of Russia, the Russian Academy of Education, the Union of Women of Russia, and the Russian Psychological Society.  

The Forum opened with the Plenary Session on the Educational Policy in the Field of Preschool Childhood. Elena Pisareva, a member of the Russian Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture, made a welcoming speech. She noted the importance of preschool education as a foundation for the formation of a child's personality, emphasising the role of play methods in upbringing.

Nikolay Veraksa, Rector at the Moscow Pedagogical Academy of Preschool Education, Head of the Laboratory of Psychology and Pedagogy of Abilities at the Institute of Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of the Russian Academy of Education, is convinced that for a child's full development it is necessary to create conditions in which he or she can play and create. Play is the most important tool for learning, where children learn to follow rules and develop independence. The expert emphasised the need for teachers, parents and society to work together for the successful upbringing of children.

Elfia Dorofeeva, President at the Association of Development of Quality Preschool Education, Director General at the MOZAIKA-SYNTEZ preschool literature publishing house, and Director for Innovation at the International Academy of Preschool Education, spoke about the Preschool Childhood Ecosystem project. She emphasised the importance of creating a developmental spatial environment for children and stressed that this environment should be meaningful, safe and accessible. The Forum provides an opportunity for professionals to better navigate in the choice of materials and games for kindergartens, based on federal standards and recommendations.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO