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The National Priorities Autonomous Nonprofit Organisation and EXPOCENTRE AO hold the Forum on the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia: Direction to Medicine within Russian Health Care Week 2023

The forum was supported by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, the Association of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of the Eurasian Economic Union, the Skolkovo Foundation, Science Park of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.

The forum’s first plenary session was dedicated to the topic of technological sovereignty in health care. It was moderated by Vadim Tarasov, a member of the Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in Science and Education of the Presidential Council for Science and Education, Director of the Institute of Translational Medicine and Biotechnology at Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. He emphasised that the declared Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation is designed to strengthen the role of science in the development of our country, and to strengthen cooperation between science and business.

Dmitry Sakharov, Rector at Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, drew attention to the need for broad involvement of young people in science. This process cannot go in isolation from higher education institutions, because students, postgraduates and young employees are in demand by partners of higher education institutions. They are involved in development of new pharmaceuticals and new equipment and are thus motivated to stay in science.

Dmitry Sakharov also highlighted the work of the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies and Biomedical Preparations at Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, which is used to develop technologies for the production of materials, products and substances used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Other representatives of higher education also took part in the discussion of the plenary session issues, telling the forum audience about the activities carried out by their universities to provide the Russian industry and science with qualified personnel.

The organisers devoted the next session of the forum to the issues of institutional assistance with the participation of the state and development institutions in the creation of innovative pharmaceuticals, medical devices and services. The session was conducted by Oleg Movsesyan, Director General at Science Park of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The participants of this part of the event focused on the practical aspects of assisting those companies and startups that are engaged in creating and promoting innovative developments. They also exchanged useful experience of working with industrial partners on the basis of sectoral medical accelerators.

Continuing the topic, the participants in the next session of the forum discussed the problem of demand for certain pharmaceuticals medicines and gave their medium and long term forecasts.  

The forum revealed some innovative developments in MedTech and presented some cases from manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and equipment. This part of the programme was moderated by Olga Aynabekova, curator of the Platforms for Interaction Between Science, Business, Government and Society Initiative.

The Forum on the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia: Direction to Medicine concluded with a pitch session of medical technology startups, whose participants were selected on a competitive basis from the partners of the Decade of Science and Technology within the Platform of University Technological Entrepreneurship.

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO