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The conference programme of the 30th edition of the Elektro 2022 anniversary international exhibition was opened by the Manufacturer Day. The leitmotif of the versatile events of the Day was the expert discussion by leading experts on issues related to import substitution in the electrical industry. 

At the foresight session entitled ‘The electrical engineering market: substitute or import?’, representatives of regions, industry associations and companies discussed how to 'weather the storm' of bans and restrictions, the delayed start of modernisation projects and the development of new products, as well as intensifying investments in production, increasing production capacity in the new realities and methods of stabilising the current market situation. 

As noted by the moderator of the foresight session, Andrey Romanchuk, a board member of the Telegram Channel Energy Today, the dynamics of import substitution in our country has grown over the period of anti-Russian sanctions in the last 8 years. Domestic manufacturers, with the assistance of key customers, started to produce electrical equipment from 2014, as well as to develop various areas of electronics, remote monitoring, diagnostics, etc. A little later, the subject of remote metering came up. 

"Some things have worked out better, some worse. But today we have confidence that Russian companies are quite capable of operating in the Russian market, covering basic needs. I think that in the next three to five years we will move to the maximum level of import substitution and independence of our industry and energy," the analyst said.    

The speakers also spoke about sanctions as a driver of import substitution and demand for domestic electrical products, citing successful cases of import substitution at critical companies in the oil and gas and energy sectors. 

The Manufacturer Day also featured the conference ‘Promising projects and directions for the development of electrical machinery and insulating materials in the context of today's challenges’. 

Networking ‘Risks and opportunities for Russian production in the current environment. Anti-crisis solutions to reduce certification costs, effective sourcing tools for materials and components’, organised by EXPOCENTE AO jointly with ROSTEST Academy, attracted increased attention of professionals.

During the discussion, the experts talked about how to adjust supply logistics and reduce certification costs in the new reality, about new business support tools such as independent inspection and the register of recognised product suppliers in the EAEU, and about the prospects of Russian products entering Asian markets.

‘Protection of intellectual property in the context of import substitution’ was the theme of the seminar held by EXPOCENTRE AO and GPG Patent Bureau. And in the specially formed within the trend-zone ‘Switch to ours’ there was a demonstration of solutions - analogues to the sanctioned electrical equipment.

The Manufacturer Day was finished with the award ceremony for the winners in the ElektroReklama 2022 competition.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO