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subscribe to news Engineer Day concludes the Elektro 2022 conference programme


Today, the Engineer Day is taking place within the Elektro 2022 international exhibition held at Expocentre Fairgrounds. It includes the whole range of various professional events. 

A specially organised design centre hosts a test drive of Electrical CAD. Visitors to the exhibition also take part in the quest ‘Got Contact!’ where they learn about the latest electrical installation products and tools, communicate directly with the manufacturers and suppliers of the equipment in use, and can win valuable prizes from the exhibitors.

Another interesting event for industry specialists was the hackathon ‘Choosing the best equipment for an electrical project in the context of a major reorientation of the Russian market’. Representatives of IEK GROUP, New Industrial Technologies LLC, ARMAT IEK and BRITE IEK introduced the audience to technical solutions of cable routing for power supply projects, for residential and commercial construction.

In addition, there is a technical session on modern Russian information design technologies for electricity supply systems: ‘Digital Design: Software Solutions for Engineering Tasks’ as well as a series of master classes – ‘Assembling a flat panel’, ‘Disassembling moulded case circuit breakers’, ‘Cable stripping and crimping’ and others. 

Also today there will an award ceremony for the participants in the quest ‘Got Contact!’. 

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO