subscribe to news Made in Russia business mission at INNOPROM. Kazakhstan 2023 exhibition completed its work

The first INNOPROM. Kazakhstan international industrial exhibition has completed its work in Astana. More than 400 companies from 20 countries came to the capital of Kazakhstan to demonstrate their achievements, present technologies and innovations, attract investments, establish new business contacts, conclude mutually beneficial contracts, and exchange experience. Over 10,000 people visited the exhibition over three days.

The main topic of the event was new age industrial policies. About 20 specialised sessions were held at the exhibition, with more than 60 speakers who were experts and CEOs, industry associations, ministries and regions. The issues for discussion were the launch of transport of the future, import of industrial capacities to Kazakhstan, industrial parks, innovations in metallurgy, passenger transport, green energy, digitalisation of the manufacturing sector, and others.

As part of the business mission organised by Russian Export Center, more than 200 b2b meetings and negotiations took place at the Made in Russia stand operated by EXPOCENTRE AO, attended by 18 Russian export-oriented companies and more than 130 foreign partners. The key issues of the negotiations were the prospects and formats of cooperation in international and domestic transportation, supplies of Russian manufacturing machinery for the oil and gas and power sectors, metalworking and chemical industry, software development and implementation of systems for automation and robotisation of business processes based on industrial robots, export of bituminous waterproofing materials and other materials for construction, as well as machinery, equipment and products for agriculture, utilities, health care, and other sectors.

Russian fertilisers and plant protection products aroused great interest in Kazakh agrarians. At the meeting with the Association of Farmers of Kazakhstan the attendees discussed the terms of supply of domestic veterinary drugs, micro-fertilisers, fertilisers for organics, plant protection products to the Kazakh market. Akpar Maulenov, Executive Director of the Association noted that he sees great prospects for the purchase of Russian products for the agro-industrial sector of Kazakhstan.

In addition to the Association of Farmers of Kazakhstan, representatives of other industry associations and major state companies of the host country visited the Made in Russia stand. Representatives of NC KazakhInvest, Qazindustry Kazakhstan Industry and Export Center, NC Kazakhstan Engineering, KazService Association of Oil Service Companies of Kazakhstan, the Union of Builders of Kazakhstan, and a others spoke at the panel on Russia and Kazakhstan: Developing Cooperation in the Face of Geopolitical Turbulence. At the end of the panel negotiations with the participants of the business mission took place. The panel was attended by the head of the representative office of Russian Export Center and Deputy Trade Representative of Russia in Kazakhstan. They spoke about the mechanisms of state support for exports in foreign markets and opportunities for economic co-operation and integration in the Kazakh market.

Economic co-operation between Russia and Kazakhstan is strengthening, the number and quality of joint Russian-Kazakh projects is growing, and the volume of Russian non-resource exports is increasing. The INNOPROM. Kazakhstan exhibition has become one of the effective tools of this process.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO