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subscribe to news Relevant issues to be discussed at National Oil and Gas Forum 2024


The National Oil and Gas Forum has opened its doors at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds. It is held simultaneously with Neftegaz 2024.

The key idea of the forum is the development of new economic ties and technological partnerships within the Eurasian space and within such international associations as the SCO, EAEU, ASEAN, and BRICS.

The forum will cover the issues of interaction between the state, science and business related to technological sovereignty and modernisation of the Russian fuel and energy industry, priority directions and parameters for the development of the industry’s economic policy, an analysis of import substitution programmes for critical products of machine building and IT, further development of climate projects in Russia and in the world, and carbon management and new decarbonisation technologies.

Breaking the balance between traditional and new energy sectors can lead to the emergence of energy shortages and the onset of a real energy famine on a global scale. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop the fuel and energy sector in an integrated manner and to achieve synergy by using both alternative sources and fossil raw materials.

The forum is open will April 18.  

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO