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- Agroprodmash 2018 offers a series of supporting events
subscribe to news Agroprodmash 2018 offers a series of supporting events
Preparations for supporting events of Agroprodmash 2018 are well underway. The Agroprodmash 2018 International Exhibition for Equipment, Technologies, Raw Materials and Ingredients for the Food Processing Industry will run at Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia, on 8-12 October 2018.
The Russian Business Forum on Strategic Challenges of the Agricultural Industry 2019: Investments, Digital Technology, Efficiency Improvement will be held October 8-9. Its participants will be representatives of government regulatory bodies, more than 250 top managers of agricultural enterprises, leading experts, and relevant mass media. They will discuss a wide range of issues including strategic challenges and development trends of the Russian agricultural industry in 2019-2022, issues of government support, introduction of digital technologies as a key growth driver in the industry, etc.
The 3rd Russian Forum on Bakery and Confectionery Industry “Bread Business” will be devoted to introduction of the latest technologies and modernization of baking enterprises, nutritional science and safety of food products in the baking industry.
The 13th Russian Forum on Innovative Technologies and Equipment in the Dairy Industry will cover new ways to modernize and upgrade dairy enterprises.
The 3rd Workshop on Lean Manufacturing at Food Enterprise 2.0: Maximum Efficiency at Minimum Cost will run on October 9th. Its topics will include lean manufacturing in the food industry: basic concepts, operation principles, benefits; how to tackle losses at food production facilities; choosing the right tools and technologies for lean manufacturing. Industry experts will hold personal consultations with workshop participants.
To learn more, go to http://www.agroprodmash-expo.ru/en
Press Service, Expocentre AO