Vladimir Kashin, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Agriculture
"We are impressed with the exhibition scope. All pavilions are occupied. It is the 23rd edition already. It is important that out of 860 participating companies 550 are Russian ones. An increasing number of our production engineers develop lines of competitive products using Russian-made raw materials from scratch. The interest in Agroprodmash is growing. It means processing of more raw materials. The trade show brings together both manufacturers of farm produce and companies manufacturing processing equipment, refrigerating equipment, etc. Processing means additional jobs and economic growth. Agroprodmash stimulates to maintain high quality of products. We should learn at such trade shows."
Andrey Razin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow region
"Agroprodmash is a leading event not only in our country but also in neighboring countries enabling its participants to see the latest technologies, suppliers of state-of-the-art equipment for production of the food that meets the highest standards and challenges of our market. For us it is an essential issue since the task has been set to double exports. The Moscow region does not remain aloof. Today, we speak of export shipments of agricultural products exceeding half billion US dollars, mainly products manufactured at the equipment showcased at this trade show. By 2024 we should overstep the boundaries of 1.7 billion US dollars. Of course, it will be very difficult without modern production facilities and high tech companies. That is why at Agroprodmash we can see what is happening in the world. Here are many enterprises and processors searching for new sales leads, new equipment, and contracts."
Dmitry Potapenko, Ombudsman for Entrepreneurs
"In my opinion, Agroprodmash is a very important event since its participants are those who boost the economy of Russia, those who make products, supply and sell them. The whole product supply chain is presented from production, processing, logistics to retail. It is the backbone of any economy."
Pavel Grudinin, Director of Lenin State Farm
"First of all, a trade show means meetings with colleagues and discussion of the situation in the regions since we are not always aware of what is happening in other areas and in the agricultural sector, in general. At Agroprodmash we start to understand what to develop, what to close down and what to give more attention to. That is why Agroprodmash is always useful because new technology and industry upgrade are very important. The participants provide us with different examples. There is a lot to choose from and a lot to get to know."
Alexey Povalyaev, General Director of Industrial Systems and Technologies (ISIT)
"Our company is engaged in production automation. Today, we showcase a new package created with the help of our partners' robots, a warehouse, and an integrated checking system. This project helps solve current problems in meat processing. We have exhibited at Agroprodmash since 2006 to become a regular participant. We also meet our customers here to discuss the current projects and generate new sales leads. As a result, we plan to have a common worldview with our customers and strengthen our family consisting of market players. Since we started to take part in Agroprodmash, we changed Expocentre's pavilions and, as a result, we have chosen Forum. It is connected with the fact that our partners and competitors are located here. It allows us to follow our customers' trends and understand whether our products are sought after. It is very convenient for visitors and exhibitors that representatives of different subsectors are brought together under one roof. It enables us to tell about our products even to those visitors who initially came for quite a different reason. Next year we plan to book a stand closer to the centre and showcase robotic technology."
Valery Chernitsov, General Director of Shokolend Confectionery Factory
"The stand of the Stavropol Region is organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Governor of the Stavropol Region to provide support for regional entrepreneurs. We wanted to build a large colourful stand to avoid fragmented composition consisting of several small companies and together showcase their equipment which manufacturers are interested in. We put on display different machines, for example, equipment manufacturing bars and balls made of cereals. Healthy eating is becoming an increasingly popular trend but it is a new one for our sector. We like Pavilion No.8 of Expocentre Fairgrounds, especially Hall 1 since there is a high traffic area. Over ten years we have presented our company at Agroprodmash. It helps avoid expenses on participation in regional trade shows since all market participants are here. Moreover, Agroprodmash is Russia's key event. Here we sign a lot of contracts. On the first day of the exhibition, for example, we are on the verge of signing eight contracts. It is a very good result. I hope the government of the Stavropol Region will extend support next year."
Pier Paolo Celeste, Director of Moscow branch of ICE (Italian Institute for Foreign Trade), Head of ICE branches in Russia, Armenia and Belarus
"There are 15 Italian companies presented at Agroprodmash 2018 which make food production and processing equipment. This sector of machine building is leading for Italian suppliers of equipment to Russia and amounts to nearly 40% of exported products of this sector. Agroprodmash is a very important trade show for us. We participated in it many years ago and now Italian companies come back with great pleasure. Russia becomes more and more industrialized and developed country. We would like to be around it at this time. Let me acknowledge Expocentre's dedication and support in holding of this show. Coming to Russia is always a holiday for the Italians. It is not only friendship but also the spirit of cooperation."
Reinhard Rosberg, Representative of German Agricultural Society
"We present German companies engaged in food processing. Agroprodmash is Russia’s leading trade show in this field. As Germany has gained a great experience in this sector and in production of processing equipment, the Russian market seems very interesting for us. I think all companies participate in the show to meet well-informed customers attending certain stands and to generate business leads which will later develop into good deals. We should maintain contacts established at the trade show to successfully develop the food industry in Russia."
Andrey Presnov, Head of Sales Department, Integral Plus
"Our company showcases packaging equipment for the food industry and agricultural sector. We work according to technical specifications carrying out a full cycle of production. We have our own technological and construction bureau allowing meeting clients' needs. Our company takes part in trade shows in Russia and other countries. It is our fifth time at Agroprodmash. Every year we try to update the design of our stand to attract visitors' attention. This year we participate on a subsidiary basis with support of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Russian Export Center. Thanks to these two organizations, our company is growing; we attract new customers and meet foreign companies. We sell all our equipment at each edition of Agroprodmash. I would like to thank Expocentre for a good job."
Maria Sekach, Commercial Director, BelAseptika
"Our company is the largest producer of disinfectants and detergents in the Belarusian market. We are much involved in exports and have participated in Agroprodmash for the third year. First of all, we participate to meet face-to-face and discuss the company business with customers and tell them about our new products. We exchange best practices with our colleagues and market players. The trade show allows gathering in one location. Agroprodmash is a large scale event bringing together a lot of companies and visitors both European and Russian ones. They are usually represented by CEOs and their deputies which is very important because they are well-informed and ask specific questions when discussing challenges. It allows us to get feedback from our clients and adjust plans for the future.
I would like to point out that the trade show is well organized. Comfortable temperature is kept in the pavilion. There is good lighting enabling visitors to stay focused and spend time to their advantage. We are glad that there are information counters and handouts. It helps people navigate in huge pavilions and quickly find the necessary companies. We have already booked a stand for 2019. We will try to arrive at new solutions to impress out customers."
Kostantin Pisarevsky, General Director, SEMZ Machine-Building Plant
"Agroprodmash is a meeting point for market players. We have participated in Agroprodmash since 2004. We have signed our first major contract here. The trade show allows strengthening relations with customers who come to the stand, see our machines and understand if they are good for their production. We see the aim of the trade show in production automation since retail chains start strengthening requirements for products. We help our partners to improve quality. This year there are more manufacturers of bakery products and dairy producers who have greatly increased their share in regional markets.
The market players feel positive and we feel the same. It becomes obvious that irrespective of external circumstances, we will work effectively and in a friendly environment. We feel support from the government in grants giving a great impetus to the industry development. Russian manufacturers become more popular in the market because our quality does not concede to the quality of European products any more. We prefer Agroprodmash to other trade shows since it stands out with good information support and a client-oriented approach (there is precise and logical arrangement of exhibition booths). Agroprodmash also shows what is going on in the food market. The show provides insights into the current industry trends. We will participate in Agroprodmash in the future. We plan to enlarge our stand next year since we have already had some ideas of new developments."
Mikhail Grachev, General Director, GraSS TH
"Our company has produced detergents for a long time. We specialize in production of chemical agents and cleaning chemicals. Having attended Agroprodmash 2017, I understood that the industry was developing rapidly and we should take a closer look at this sector. During the year in cooperation with different food companies we have been developing a wide range of cleaning agents. Now we put on display about 30 products. The Agroprodmash great advantage is that all industry participants are brought together under one roof making the trade show so large. We have booked a stand for Agroprodmash 2019 and plan to increase our exhibition space."
Yury Gagarinov, CEO, Russkih Dairy Machines
"Our company has participated in Agroprodmash for 16 years. This year we are supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and Russian Export Center which reimburs 80% of our participation costs and we are very grateful to them. For us Agroprodmash is the place where we hold our year-end wrap up and meet our partners and customers. The Agroprodmash venue and dates are very convenient for our company. We annually showcase new equipment at the trade show. This year we have brought a machine made for our customer from the Samara region. At this trade show there are no random people; all visitors attend certain companies with certain demands. Most exhibitors have known each other for long and we are all partners because we all work for Russian consumers. It should be noted that participation in this trade show testifies to high standing of a company in the market of food processing machinery."
Sergey Martynov, Chief Engineer, Unicom
"We are a young rapidly developing company participating in the show for the first time. For us Agroprodmash is the main industry event where we can meet a lot of customers with whom we can have face-to-face meetings. We also have an opportunity to find new customers and generate new leads. Here we can see the latest market trends, compare our machines with equipment of other companies and understand the focus and further development. The traffic of visitors is great, and they are from different countries. Thanks to this, one can identify the needs of the foreign market. Agroprodmash 2018 is organized very well. We did not have any difficulties in arranging our exhibition stand. Everything has been provided in time and without any problems."