subscribe to news Experts at Lesdrevmash 2020 paid special attention to the processing of recycled wood and felling residues


Conference on Recycling of Furniture, Slab Materials and Woodworking Products “The New Life of an Old Wardrobe” was held at the Lesdrevmash 2020 exhibition, running within Russian Industry Week at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds. The conference was organised by the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia with assistance of EXPOCENTRE AO. 

The conference participants got acquainted with the project "The New Life of an Old Wardrobe" aimed at popularisation of recycling and use of recycled wood. The discussion noted today’s huge volume recycling through burial at landfills. Recycling will allow the business to solve several tasks at once: reduce wood consumption and partially reduce costs, create new jobs and obtain heat energy. 

Ardasher Kurbansho, General Director of Kronospan Company, shared his experience in organising collection and processing of recycled wood at the production site.

Olga Pentelkina, a representative of IKEA, spoke in detail about the project "Furniture Recycling Service". The pilot project was launched in St. Petersburg for several months and as a result 33 containers of furniture became a resource for IKEA furniture production. The company intends to develop cyclic service and as a result - to increase customer loyalty to IKEA products, to optimise furniture production, to use biofuel more actively. 

The experts have come to the conclusion that there are still many tasks and issues to be solved together, paying more attention to the issues of recycling in woodworking and furniture industry. The road map of the project "The New Life of an Old Wardrobe" can be found on the website of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Enterprises of Russia: 

The Lesozagotovka. Biznes i professiya (Timber harvesting. Business and occupation) magazine organised a Panel on Logging Waste: Problems and Solutions

The event was moderated by Professor Igor Grigoriev, an expert in the woodworking industry. He thanked the edition for the up-to date topic, emphasizing that there was about 30% of wood raw materials, remaining in the forest. According to Avialesookhrana (Air Forest Protection), felling residues are one of the reasons that cause forest fires. They should be either burned in compliance with all safety rules or processed. 

Dmitry Bastrikov, Head of the Eco Technologies plant, told about the experimental production of fuel briquettes from logging waste. Ivan Borisov, a journalist of “Lesozagotovka. Biznes i professiya” gave an overview of cutting residue processing technologies used abroad. Detailed information on the practice of solving problems with felling residues was provided by the Committee on Forestry of the Moscow Region. Olga Kunitskaya, a forest industry expert, shared her opinion about the prospects of business development in the processing of logging waste. 

The panel discussion ended with an exchange of opinions and business contacts between representatives of forest business and forest science. 

The exhibition website: 

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO