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Interaction between Science, Education and Business in the Oil and Gas Industry - that was the name of a conference held within the Neftegaz 2022 supporting programme, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO, the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council and the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.

Representatives of scientific and industrial organisations exchanged their experience of implementing programmes of professional training and attracting human resources given sustainable development of the oil and gas industry.

In his opening remarks, the conference moderator Grigory Krivilev, noted that interaction between the scientific field, the educational part and business in oil and gas plays an important role. "This is primarily due to key trends, such as a new youth perspective on the development of the industry, changes in the educational process, and the emergence of distance technologies. The education process is becoming more general, less individual, which affects people's perception of information. The approach related to regional specificities of education is changing. The view of young people is changing, which affects both science in the regions and companies," said the moderator.

The conference covered a wide range of issues. The participants discussed skills and competencies of young specialists in energy transition, importance of early career guidance as part of educational strategy implementation.

Elisaveta Safarova, researcher at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, presented a report on "Key aspects of training young specialists in the field of hydrogen energy". She noted: "There are certain developments in the hydrogen field and we understand where we need to move forward, according to which criteria young specialists should be guided and trained". The speaker pointed out the relevance of the topics, which include the roadmap for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation until 2024, ensuring development of Russian energy efficient technologies, organising cooperation with foreign countries, the need to develop technical regulations, and amending the regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union. She spoke about the priority areas for training young personnel: "A number of leading universities are at the helm, which have opened master's degree programmes in hydrogen energy. Departments in the faculties cooperate with production facilities, and in the future young specialists will be employed and their qualifications will be quite high".

Artur Faskhutdinov, Head of RN-Yuganskneftegaz's Youth Policy Department, said that meetings are held with students of educational institutions. However, according to the expert, there is a poor dynamics. The interest of oil and gas students is lost, as the guys are not interested in further employment at an oil and gas company. "It is necessary to influence the younger generation, to share knowledge, experiences and cases, so that they have a clear understanding of what they will be facing in production. The better a specialist is, the more competent and oriented he or she will be as a manager," the speaker stressed.

Albert Salimgarayev, Head of the Project Activities Department and Acting Head of the Strategy Department of Rimera Group, shared his experience in implementing youth projects and interacting with young people.

Yuri Dubinov, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas presented Gubkin University as a talent forge and research ground for the oil and gas industry. He said in particular: "We promote the scientific activities of mechanical engineering in the oil industry. In addition to the basic enrolment, the university is engaged in additional professional education. There are more than 200 programmes".

Artyom Shpakov, representative of Gazpromneft, joined the speakers by video link. He spoke about organisation of a case marathon as a way of integration of education and business efforts to train professionals of the future.

Also the Thematic Session on Aluminium Solutions for the Oil & Gas and Hydrogen Energy Industries, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO with the support of the Aluminium Association, was held today. Aluminium companies offer a wide range of products for the oil and gas industry. These include drill pipes, gas cylinders, pontoons, and dome roofs - aluminium products are used in everything from production to storage. Transition to horizontal drilling, increased drilling depth, high levels of alternating dynamic stresses in drill string dictate special requirements to physical and mechanical properties of alloys to ensure reliability of drill pipe. New aluminium alloys for drill pipes are being developed.

Another event was a science and practical conference on Energy Efficient Solutions for Reducing the Hydrocarbon Footprint, organised by EXPOCENTRE AO with the support of the Russian National Committee of the World Petroleum Council. It addressed the issues of energy efficiency and energy saving not only from the economic point of view, but also from the ecological point of view to reduce the carbon footprint. In today's world, energy efficiency is a consolidating factor, bringing together the interests and capabilities of government and business, producers and consumers.

Gazprom Bureniye and Uralmash NGO Holding today signed an agreement at the Neftegaz 2022 exhibition for the supply of a high-tech top drive system for heavy class drilling rigs. This system features increased torque, a characteristic of particular importance when drilling complex horizontal wells, whose share in Russia's total sinking volume is increasing every year.

Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO